On This Independence Day
Father in Heaven,
On the eve of our nation's Independence Day, our thoughts are turned to concepts of freedom, liberty, life, human rights, and the amazing gift of agency--the right to choose--that Thou hast blessed us with.
We recognize that this celebration of liberty honors those courageous men and women in our history who fought and died because they understood the sanctity of life, the value of family, and the privilege it is to be free to serve, honor, and worship Thee, our God and Father, according to our conscience and the desires of our hearts.
We also know that this day is a day to remember the battle for agency that began in heaven so long ago. That war against Lucifer and his minions that continues today. A fight for truth and testimony, for righteousness and light, and for good to triumph over evil.
As stripling soldiers in Thy army, we fervently pray for your guidance and protection as we go out to stand for life, family, and liberty. Bless us to stand firm in our testimony and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Help us to discern right from wrong, truth from error, and good from evil. Give us the strength and courage to stand up and support those who are weak, to speak up and share the truth of our testimony with those who have lost their way.
Lord, this world is filled with corruption and evil, with those who seek to take away liberty, destroy life, and blot out the light of Christ. As we strive to navigate the shadows and darkness and the taunting voices of this world, please bless us with Thy spirit of truth and comfort. Give us Thy peace--the peace that comes through Jesus Christ because of his bravery, his love, and his ultimate sacrifice. Help us to be stalwart warriors and zealous saints working to gather Zion and bring Thy kingdom to the earth in these final days.
Most of all we pray that your will, your purposes, and your plan will prevail in our lives each and every day.
All these things, and all that is in our hearts, we pray on this Independence Day in the sacred, honored name of our general and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
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