
This is the other serious poem I wrote for school. I was in the middle of a seminary class and I'd been doing a lot of thinking about prayer and my struggles to remember to pray, to say good prayers, and I got really mad that it was so hard to enjoy praying. I was hoping the poem would help me remember and like it better. It didn't really work, but I still liked the end result.

Why? - September 2014

Why is it that when with your friends

You talk and chat all day,

But after all that talking

You still have more to say?

In bed, but long before you sleep,

You sit and text and tweet.

Eyes droop, but you are dying to tell

Something you think so sweet.

The more and more your lips do move,

The more your fingers fly,

One question thus invades my thoughts,

And that question is, "Why?"

Why is it that you talk and chat

And still have more to say,

But when it comes unto our God,

You have but naught to pray?


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