
Winter is, by far, the hardest season of the year. I mean, there's Christmas and all, but I'm not sure winter is anyone's favorite season. Christmas may be a favorite holiday, but that love of the season does not translate into a love for the season. I guess sometime when I was twelve I was really struggling with winter. I didn't like it. It was cold. I've always been mad my birthday was in the middle of winter. I was bored. I remember going outside a few days after Christmas at Golden Hour (though I didn't know its name at the time) and I spent an hour wandering around the yard looking at the snow and ice on the ground. I was fascinated by how beautiful the cold, colorless snow could be when gathered up in ice crystals and sculptures with the golden light reflecting in a million directions. I went inside, told my mom I'd "discovered" winter and then went to my room to write this poem. 

It is, perhaps, not my best work, but twelve-year-old Esther was fairly pleased. We'll just let her bask in the joy of winter however she likes :)

Winter - December 2012

Winter is dreary as most people say.

It's a dulling affair in most every way.

But something surprising that perhaps you don't know

is that charity abides in the home.

Though outside it is bleak, dreadful, and cold,

inside of each person, those young and those old,

is a heart-warming flame and the colors of gold.

Winter's not dreary as most people say.

For singing, giving, and loving alone

can make all the difference for those ne'er it shown.

Also add in some laughter, some song, and a dance.

Winter's not dreary just give it a chance.

It's something that's put on, like a new dress.

There's something about it that is not just Christmas.

It happens quite naturally, comes with the season.

Winter's not dreary, just give it your heart.

And thus with charity, color, and song,

A dance and a prance, a lot of lights coming on.

I hope you will see that it's all in your heart.

For winter is bright, a big shining light.



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