Dear World...

Hey there!
It's been a while and I thought I might write you a letter. I never quite know what I'm going to say in a letter, but I hear it's polite to ask questions ;) How are you? Are you treating yourself well? What's the latest news?
My dad says the news isn't great for you, World. I don't want to believe that. I love believing in and seeing the goodness and love inside of you. Of course you're struggling, aren't we all in some way? What I love is that the struggle hasn't conquered you. I'm not sure I can really help you out or lift you up right now, but please do know I'm rooting for you. And I'll do what I can to make my part of you a bit cheerier :)
 If there's anything I've learned recently it's that you keep on moving no matter what. I tend to shut down when I hear or see darkness and negativity. I think I can't keep moving and feel like the difference I make is so small I might as well not try. Not you, though. Even with all the tension and fear roiling on your surface you keep on spinning, coming back with a new day. Never giving up. I'm sure things aren't really going the way you'd hoped. At least, I wouldn't want such events to occur in my life. But you really are an example of hope and change.
I think I might be able to relate to you a little bit. I broke my ankle whilst horse riding a couple weeks back, and I really did think my world had crashed. I had my last few weeks of summer planned out and not one part of that plan included sitting on the couch with a cast and hobbling around on crutches. I'm afraid I wasn't quite like you. I did shut down for a bit. I didn't know how to function when I felt like I couldn't move. Somehow, though, the world I thought was falling apart has come together into something more beautiful than I anticipated. Because I cannot drive I get to wake up on weekdays and spend an hour outside breathing the fresh air, chatting with my mom, and writing my thoughts while my sister learns to swim. This (now healing) leg has taught me to slow down. I've realized that I don't have to rush through my world. (You're not spinning that fast ;)). Goodness! I wouldn't be writing this, wouldn't have a website, if not for this healing leg.
A dear neighbor dropped by last night to see my mom. She saw my crutches and my casted foot and exclaimed her sympathy. I didn't know how to respond to her sympathy or her comment that the healing foot is "no fun." How could I tell her how grateful I am for my healing foot? Would she ever believe me? All I could think was, "You have no idea how fun this has been." I feel like such a different, new person. Things I typically stress over and obsess about have no power over me. Hobbled by crutches I've discovered how capable I really am. My world didn't come crashing down, it expanded in a way I didn't know was possible. I now approach life with confidence, courage, relaxation, and peace.
Thank you, World, for steadily moving onward. Looking back at history you've been through some pretty horrific things already, and yet you're still going. Knowing that you'll still be here every day gives me the strength I need to get up every day. It gives me the faith to keep working, keep changing. Thank you for the hope that what I do does make a difference.
Wishing you the best until next time!
-Esther :)

"Search diligently, pray always, and be believing, and all things shall work together for your good..." -Doctrine and Covenants 90:24


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